Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer and Beach

I've finally downloaded all my recent pictures from phone and camera....Wow...I hope you like pictures ~ cause you're getting alot today! :)

{At a nearby church, there's a pond with tons of Brim.

The boys were restless one day - so we went fishing.}

Mother's day has come and gone...but we had a lovely relaxing day. My boys got me these. Aren't they pretty? I smiled every time I looked at them.

I think I've mentioned before that I gew up on a polo farm. I love going back, and the other day, we got to bring along some cousins to see all the animals and play for a while. We had a great time with Aunt Jen, Eden, Cana, Maja and my two.

{Here Cana and Wells are going to find the pigs.}

{sisters - Eden and Cana}

{Kids just love the little house. Fielding and Maja}

{Fielding and Maja - Fielding loves the horses now.}

{Everyone was melting down, so we skipped visiting the

miniture goats and had our picnic.}

I've been looking forward to summer for so long it seems that I try to spend as much time outside as possible. The baby pool, sprinkler and croquet are our main activities these days {in addition to walking and weeding :)}.

{Playing sooo hard leads to this....}

{The seedings are now plants and are about twice as big as this now...I even have fruit!}

{I just thought this was funny - sorry for the fuz..hehehe}

{This is my most recent project. I was given the fabric (that's not a stain on the right pillow - it's drool), made the pillows and had them monogrammed. I'm excited about them!}

The Beach!! Normally we head to Hilton Head over Memorial Day weekend; however, my cousin Dylan is getting married this Saturday. So we went last weekend with Josh's brother Paul, his wife Karyn, and thier son Andrew. It was perfect weather and a terrific trip all around. It was fun seeing the boys really playing together. I look forward to many fun times with all the little cousins.

{Josh and Paul fished and put one in this bucket. The boys were enthralled!}

{Josh and Wells}

{Swim diaper had been "used" so I thought a little freedom would be nice. Fielding loved it :) And I couldn't resist.}

{I guess Wells was jealous. Before I knew it, he had stripped and was back swimming.}

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