Friday, December 31, 2010

Party, party, party!

Happy New Year everyone! This is definitly a catch up post, annnddd...the pictures loaded backwards. So, sorry....I'm too worn out to delete them all and repost at the moment.

We had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope you did too. We had lots of family time. We're lucky that almost all of our family lives in town. The week of Christmas we found that the boys had ear infections, but we were all healthy enough by Christmas to enjoy being out of the house. Every year I feel so blessed and humbled by how much people give me. Again, our families have been so generous to us. I hope everyone knows how thankful I am for their generosity and love. We are blessed in so many ways.

We finally had a make-shift party for Wellington. My mom bought him a trampoline for his birthday and wanted to be there when we set it up. So they came for dinner and helped {really I sort of helped and my dad and little brother assembled it} set up the trampoline. Wellington woke up from his nap that afternoon in no mood to please anyone and didn't even try to jump. Fielding, on the other hand, loved it and still is so excited to jump with Wells...who now loves it. It's amazing that my kids can already go outside and play without me! Of course, I bring Fielding out there and zip up the netting and check on them every minute, but still...they are getting so big. Josh crawled in with them today and they thought that was great!

We have the best friends! Below is a picture from our annual "Holiday Dinner". These people are so dear to us. All the guys played highschool ball together and have known each other since they were around 12 years old or younger. We've had our own dinner together since we've all been married. This was our fifth year. We always have the greatest time telling stories, laughing, teasing, comisserating...they are like family. We are so thankful for the Hoffers, Henrys, and Cahills! {Please keep the Cahills in your prayers. They had a small house fire that evening which created a lot of damage. Thankfully, no one was hurt.}

Here are some pictures of Wellington's party....sorry they are backwards!

Wellington loves having people sing happy birthday to him and blowing out candles. The next day we finished off the cake and he insisted that we do candles again and again and again...after each bite. :)

We had white Christmas! Can you believe it?!? We left our house early Christmas morning and headed to my parents' house {Mia & Boss's}. We opened gifts there then headed to the Brookers for breakfast and more gifts for the kids. While there, it started snowing....and snowing...and snowing! It was beautiful! Here are the few pictures I remembered to take during all the paper throwing, candy eating, toy playing, and gift giving. {these are in order :)}

Fielding loved "swinging" with my brother Dane.

Trains. They've already provided hours of entertainment. I love them!

I set this up....thank you very much. :)

Christmas really takes it out of you.

Our humble abode on Christmas night.
*sigh* The holidays came and went so fast. It's been good..... If you're still reading, I'm impressed. Now for a short update on our house hunt. We put a second offer on the house going to auction but never heard back. I am/was very excited about it, but we are reevaluating what our next move should be. We've placed an offer on a small rental property in the area. I know this is a wiser investment in my's short term lost {not getting to move} long term gain {having another rental/other source of income/valuable property, etc.}, but I am still coming to terms with it. Honestly, I've been convicted of how selfish/greedy I have been about this whole situation. Since thinking about getting that house for us, I've started nagging Josh and wanting it and trying to figure out what we can do to get it...maybe it's not time, maybe something bad would happen there, who knows. I do know that I have so much already. I have a very comfortable life and home and it's unfair of me to demand something more ~ especially when there are others in my life whole are struggling with real issues....not they just aren't getting something more. So, I'm trying not to say another word about this house. If it happens some how, that would be awesome. But as of this moment, and you are my witness, I'm giving the whole desire for a new house up to God. If our current house is where I need to be, then okay. Sorry ~ I said it would be short didn't I?....okay. The End.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas, everyone! It's almost here! We're counting down the days and trying to get well. Wednesday the boys came down with an awful cough and have been miserable ever since. The last several days have been very long for Josh and I. We finally took them to the doctors today and found that they both have 2 ear infections! Poor guys! We've never had any sickness that's needed a doctor's visit or a prescription, but here we are! I just hope they get back to feeling like themselves before Christmas so they can have fun.

Wells has had moments of feeling okay....So he asked to paint. He loves trying new things, fixing things and helping me. He's been working on this canvas for a while's starting to fill in. :)
Misha's coffee!!! Every year Josh and I order a whole bunch of coffee from this place in Alexandria, VA. It's so yummy and the family loves it! It's an easy gift for the family ~ plus, I don't mind having my house smell like delicious coffee for a few days before Christmas. :)

I'm such a copy cat...I execute things very well but rarely have an original idea. The last home made gift I put together was Honey Cinnamon Butter for friends and family. I found the recipe via Darby's blog on the blog Life In Grace blog. Check them out!

And we've now have a "Preschooler" !!!!! Wellington turned 2 years old on Sunday! I can't believe he is getting so big! We had planned to have the family over for cake and ice cream, but since the boys were still sick, we cancelled the party. {I'm thinking about rescheduling it though.} So, we tried to go see Santa at the mall but it was crazy town. We had lunch in the food court, watched people then quickly headed home since the boys were melting down. On our way out, Wells spied a remote controlled helicopter that he/Daddy couldn't resist. :) He's played with it a little but still needs to practice.

Now, a little about my little man. Wells is always amazing me at what he understands and can do. He can count to 5...sometimes to 10. Can ride a bike with training wheels, talks in sentences, loves to feed Fielding for me when I'm not doing it fast enough, loves his daddy, loves his Mia, loves trains, loves going to the park, loves boats, loves fishing...he is very smart, talks well....he's great! I'm so thankful for him and can't imagine my life without him.
I'm 2!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hi All! It's been so cold outside we've had to play in doors. I'll try to fill you in on everything...this post has taken me a while. While writing, the boys woke up. Fielding was happy and Wells woke up with a 102* fever. So here goes.... This past Monday the boys and I hosted a Christmas cookie decorating party. It was so fun to have friends and family over to do something festive. We had eight children three years old and under here! I'm so thankful for great friends and for everyone coming and hanging out with us!

Wells and I made the cookies Sunday afternoon. He did really well!

Enjoying the fruits of his labor. :)
Little friends ~ William and Michaela.
Aunt Brekken was a great help. Wells loves her so much!
I think Fielding was sad he couldn't participate.

Vanessa and her girls - Michaela and Alexis.

We also got to celebrate cousin Andrew's first birthday last weekend! Karyn did a great job throwing the train themed party. Wells was completely entertained the whole time with the trains...He's getting trains for Christmas :)!
The girls kissing on Wells...Maja {left} and Ella {Right}
So now we're getting ready for Wellington's birthday this Sunday. I don't have a theme, have a vague idea of what kind of cake I'm going to make and have no idea of what snacks to serve. But, I'm sure I'll pull it together. :)
PS We put an offer on a house last Thursday and haven't heard back yet. Here's hoping that no news is good news!?!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Its a process

Becoming a good parent, getting back in shape, finding/buying a house, becoming the wife my husband needs, keeping the house in order....everything is a process. I've been learning alot about patience and contentment lately. I so easily get my hopes up about new plans even when they aren't set in stone. I need to stop that. And then I'm reminded of how much I already have and am amazed that I can loose sight of that and just want more....We've been looking for a new house for a while now. We've found two that we have really liked but one was too expensive and the other may not come thru because of timing and it's in auction now....I know there could be an even better house out there, but I was already getting attached to this last house. I think I am just excited about a new project. So, I've started refinishing a coffee table that I just got from Goodwill....hoping this will take my mind off things and give me something to work on. You'd think with my two little guys I'd have plenty to do....But it seems like I still need something for me. I've felt very apathetic lately. Hopefully this will help.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fall Days, A Happy Thanksgiving...and a christmas tree!

The days up until Thanksgiving were beautiful! And then...the cold came. :( But during those nice days Wells got a lesson in mowing the lawn. He loves playing with the lawn mower and blower in the garage. When Josh let him help him for a minute he was in heaven. :) Let's hope the enthusiasm lasts a looonnggg time. :)

We visited my favorite park again! This time we fished off the dock....with no luck. But it was fun trying. We had more luck attracting people than fish. Tell me this, who comes two feet from you with their child, narrates what someone does and then sits down right there and watches you? Without talking to you or thinking their being annoying?? This was very strange behavior....
Anyway, Wells had a great time.

Thanksgiving was a great day for us. We didn't get to play our normal football game {just too many little ones that can't participate and need supervision}, but we had family time all day. The boys and I made Sweet Potato casserole {I'll post the link to the recipe under the Recipes tab} and mashed sweet potatoes the day before. Thursday morning we made cinnamon rolls and got coffee for the family and headed over to Josh's parents' house around 10am. Josh fried a turkey and hung out with the guys while I played with the kids and caught up with the girls. After an early lunch there and Fielding's nap, we headed to my grandparents' to hang out with my side of the family along with all the random people and adopted family members. It was a full day. I love that we have a day set aside for remembering to whom we are thankful and what we are thankful for. I'm thankful for my husband, children, family, health, provision of more than I need, and to be able to stay at home with my children. I know I am very blessed and hope I am being a good steward of all God has given me. I always think of what Andy Stanley taught about making wise decisions when I think of being a good steward. He says to think about this ~ "In light of your past experience, present circumstances, and future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do?" I know that doesn't exactly go with a Thanksgiving theme...but it was in my train of thought so I thought I'd share that too. :) Along those lines, we're thinking about moving...more about that later :). Here are some Thanksgiving pictures!!

Wells cleaning potatoes for me.
Fielding being happy on the floor...this was a huge help!

Me in my new apron that I made ~ after making like 8 I finally kept one! :)
Fielding at Poppop and Grandma's.

Sweet potato topping - yum!

Josh's turkey pot.

Cooking the turkey!

Wells just wants to do whatever his Daddy is doing. :)

Looks like Fielding isn't so sure about this frying business.

Getting ready.
I didn't get anymore pictures of the feast...guess I got caught up in everything but it was beautiful and fun and couldn't ask for a more loving family ~ on both sides.
Next up ~ Christmas tree shopping!!
Every year we try to get a christmas tree on November 27th. This is a special day as it's the birthday of my brother, Hanson, who passed away at 6 months old. This year we were all together on the 26th doing family pictures so we decided to head out for convenience sake. It was freezing!!!! We went, cut down a tree and then sadly everyone headed to their own home. It had gotten late and things are just more complicated with the three little ones. Here is a picture of Josh, Wells and Dawson {my brother in law} warming themselves by the stove {really they are trying to get a glimpse of the Auburn game}.

Family photo...expect that you can't really see the kids ~ HA!

Dane, Mia and little Josiah. Since we hadn't planned on going to get a tree that night we all bundled up with whatever we had. Luckily my mom had room in her jacket. :)

Wells helped cut down the tree too!

We didn't get a tree {again...maybe next year} but we did get greenery. I made a garland for the door. Looks pretty good! I'll take a some pictures after I get all the decorations up.

Wells helping me cut the garland I just spent an hour making and doesn't matter. Kids learn through being able to try new things and sometimes I just have to let it's not a big deal and he had a great time thinking he was helping me. :)

Have a great day! Thanks for reading such a long post!
