Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring time activities

Two weeks ago, Josh took a short day at work and we went to the zoo! The boys loved it. It was a beautiful spring day. We wore ourselves out but had a great time.

The kids' section had a train. Wells is obsessed with trains right now, so we obviously HAD to ride it.

Here are the boys five minutes after getting in the car. What a fun day!

As soon as the days started to warm, I went and bought seeds. I normally buy plants, but I'm hoping to do a little bigger garden so I thought I'd try seeds to save a bit of cash. The Hembree house is seeming to cost more and more....we could spend SOO much money. Anyway, every little bit helps, right? So we started some of our seeds indoors. Wells is a great helper and loves gardening. I just got some more seeds from my brother in law ~ we're going to plant them when I'm done with this post.

Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Cute!

    Here is the link for the slipcover blog I was telling you about (forever ago). I haven't been able to cover the chair yet... but I'm hoping now that its warmer I'll get on it :)
