Good morning all. Can't believe it's September already. We've been in for a month now and it seems so much longer. We are slowly getting settled in. After so much unpacking I don't have too much motivation to decorate yet...but I know it won't be long. :) As I type I'm watching Wellington, Fielding, and cousin Andrew play in the baby pool. These three are already good friends and I'm so thankful that Paul and Karyn (and Andrew and baby sister on the way) will be building a house nearby in the next year or so. This means lots of good times ahead.
We're getting into the golden days of summer where it's so beautiful outside but you're starting to itch for cool breezes....trying to enjoy every ounce of summer we have left.
The boys have worn me out today. I'm trying to show them grace...but some days I don't know if I can make it through the day with my sanity.....Am I the only one that ever feels this way???

We've finally started walking again! It's nice to have new routes to explore. As long as I keep it short, things stay sweet.

My mom let me have an old church pew that was at the barn. It had been left outside and needed a total reglueing. Here's what it looked like when I got it. I sanded it down then made my own "stain".

I love how it turned out. I mixed my paint from paint samples I had. Watered it down. Brushed it on then rubbed it with a dry cloth. When it was dry, I applied Minwax furniture wax as the finish. Wax has become my new go to finish. I love it! Above the bench I've hung several pictures/mirrors with gray, silver or gold frames. I'll have to take a picture of that for you. It's one of the only areas in my house that is actually "set up".

Fielding's room is by far the most set up of everything. He even has curtains hung! still looks so bare in the picture! HA!

We've had the opportunity to have a few play dates and people over already. Before we moved we hardly entertained saying, "Once we move, we'll have them over." Well, it's time. Here are the boys having a great time with William when the Hoffers came to dinner the other day.

Although Wellington insists that he's not big and doesn't want to get big, he's starting to do big boy things like do worksheets and take a gymnastics class. :)

While the kids play or sleep (they sometimes do this...) I've been working on little things that are left to do. Like painting corbels.

Fielding is getting big. And cuter every day. And changing. But not talking. (We're getting tired of "ah, ah, ah!)

While walking the other day, we found a neighborhood playground with a train!! Oh my. The boys love it!

Last Sunday, we celebrated Poppop's birithday. {Josh's dad} It was kiddy land! So awesome. They set up baby pools, slip and slides, a big trampoline, slides....and then we had ice cream cones. It was so cute seeing all the little cousins together! I couldn't get enough of them!

{Wells, Julek, Andrew, Fielding}


Like I mentioned before, Wells started a Gym class this week! First class ever. :) He did great. Fielding cried and cried cause he wanted to go in the class too, but he is too young. :(

So Fielding and I went to see the geese.

I've been goodwilling too....I found this pretty little thing. I may make a new cushion, but i love it!

And here are the three cuties I am playing with today.... These are the faces when I said "smile!".
That's all for now! take care!
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