We just got back from our 6th annual vacation in Hilton Head with some wonderful friends. It was so nice to get away. Josh, the boys and I went down a little early and had some family time before everyone came down. We drove thru the night Tuesday. Wednesday was beach and then kayaking on a sunset tour. The boys did great. Fielding wanted to paddle or to be in the water...He definitely has a mind of his own.

The boys love being at the beach.

Thursday morning we went on a shark fishing trip! Unfortunately, the fishing didn't go that well. We had one bite and caught a little shark. Better than nothing! It was nice just being out on the water though. We definitely need a boat! :)

That Cheez-It box was so gross....the boys had as much fun playing with the bait fish as anything, but before I realized it, they were eating snacks. Slimmy hands and all....

Thursday night our friends the Hoffers and Cahills arrived. Normally our good friends the Henrys come on this trip too. Unfortunately, they weren't able to come. Their presence was missed and we all wished they had been able to come.
We had 3 little boys and 1 girl. They boys had a blast fishing, digging, swimming and playing with bait. Mary Frances was so sweet walking and lounging with the moms. It's amazing the difference between boys and girls.

{Wellington and William}

{The men: Josh, Paul, & Steven}

{Look at that hair!!}

{Fielding: the fisherman}

{Playing sand crabs}


{Me & Fielding}

We had a great time and are refreshed and ready to get back to work. I have so many things I want to set up, organize and sew! I love how taking time off motivates you to tackle the projects that had seemed daunting.
As you can see, my pictures are a little different this time! I'm trying to get nicer pictures for you all. So, I downloaded a new camera app - Camera+. It's been fun so far! Hope you like it...even if I did you a million different lenses and effects. :)
We got our new table! Its beautiful! I haven't gotten everything set up yet but soon I'll show it to you. Until then, here's what the new bench looks like. The boys have sat on the bench every meal since we brought it home. :) Guess they like it too! {the table in the background is our old table}

That's all for now! Have a great rest of your week!
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