Merry Christmas, everyone! It's almost here! We're counting down the days and trying to get well. Wednesday the boys came down with an awful cough and have been miserable ever since. The last several days have been very long for Josh and I. We finally took them to the doctors today and found that they both have 2 ear infections! Poor guys! We've never had any sickness that's needed a doctor's visit or a prescription, but here we are! I just hope they get back to feeling like themselves before Christmas so they can have fun.

Wells has had moments of feeling okay....So he asked to paint. He loves trying new things, fixing things and helping me. He's been working on this canvas for a while's starting to fill in. :)
Misha's coffee!!! Every year Josh and I order a whole bunch of coffee from this place in Alexandria, VA. It's so yummy and the family loves it! It's an easy gift for the family ~ plus, I don't mind having my house smell like delicious coffee for a few days before Christmas. :)

I'm such a copy cat...I execute things very well but rarely have an original idea. The last home made gift I put together was Honey Cinnamon Butter for friends and family. I found the recipe via
Darby's blog on the blog
Life In Grace blog. Check them out!

And we've now have a "Preschooler" !!!!! Wellington turned 2 years old on Sunday! I can't believe he is getting so big! We had planned to have the family over for cake and ice cream, but since the boys were still sick, we cancelled the party. {I'm thinking about rescheduling it though.} So, we tried to go see Santa at the mall but it was crazy town. We had lunch in the food court, watched people then quickly headed home since the boys were melting down. On our way out, Wells spied a remote controlled helicopter that he/Daddy couldn't resist. :) He's played with it a little but still needs to practice.
Now, a little about my little man. Wells is always amazing me at what he understands and can do. He can count to 5...sometimes to 10. Can ride a bike with training wheels, talks in sentences, loves to feed Fielding for me when I'm not doing it fast enough, loves his daddy, loves his Mia, loves trains, loves going to the park, loves boats, loves fishing...he is very smart, talks well....he's great! I'm so thankful for him and can't imagine my life without him.

I'm 2!!

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