Friday, November 12, 2010

Sick house - edited

Hello all. Hope you are well and enjoying this great weather. We started the week out great. Wells had his first riding lesson on Tuesday. We went up to my grandfather's farm and rode with my mom, Mia, and Tate. It was a beautiful day to be outside.

Wednesday I got sick at 6:30am. It hit Wells later that day and it's been rough. I forgot to mention when I first posted this how great my husband has been. He came home Wednesday afternoon to check on me. I think seeing me laying on the bathroom floor with the baby crawling around made him realize how bad I felt. He called back to work and stayed with us the rest of the day. I don't know what I would have done without him. I couldn't move without throwing up, and Wells, not really understanding, was worse than me. He got us all in bed and calm. He is wonderful! Josh came down with it yesterday but has faired a little better than Wells and me. I have such an appreciation for health now! Wow...I can't imagine constantly feeling like this. I feel like I'm on the mend as long as I don't eat, which is a problem because I'm still nursing Fielding and my milk supply is dwindling. Please pray we all recover quickly and I can continue to feed Fielding. Fielding seems okay...he's in getting a tooth and isn't feeling great but hasn't thrown up....Maybe we'll be better tomorrow!

On a different note, you've probably noticed the constant change in the look of my blog...sorry. It's not that my mood changes that much, it's that I haven't yet gotten it to something I love. It's a work in is everything in my life. :) But I love projects. :)

Take care and enjoy your health!!

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