It seems like ages since I last posted! The boys are growing like weeds right now. Fielding has started to pull up on things and is trying to go up and down the stairs, but he doesn't quite have the strength. He is also waking up two to three times a night lately. I'm not sure why... I know being sleep deprived is part of parenthood, but I don't like it and I've been feeling very edgy today. I'm trying not o let it get the best of me though. Both boys just went down for naps so hopefully I can reenergize while they sleep. Wells is learning several words every day and always surprises me with new concepts that he's learned. we went to Hilton head this past weekend and his favorite new word from the trip is "tractor-trailer." Big word for such a little guy. :) I think we're getting into the terrible two's with Wells. I'm not sure if all kids are like this, but he can be so sweet and obedient and then wam! tantrum and total defiance! It's embarrassing and confusing at the same time. Makes me feel like I'm not being diligent enough at home....Hope we make it thru this phase soon!
Our trip to Hilton Head over the weekend was wonderful! We got to celebrate my sister in law Joa's birthday on Saturday and let the kids play all weekend. Ben, Joa, Maja and Julek came down with us. We rode bikes to Harbour Town, played on the play ground, looked at the boats (Wells soo wanted to get on the boats!), played in the sand and the guys even went swimming! I tried to get in the water but it was just too cold for me. It was nice to get out in the sun one more time before we bundle up. It was good for the kids to play too since we haven't played with the cousins much lately. We got back late Sunday and have just been doing laundry and running errands since. Here are some pictures from our trip. Hope you enjoy!
Fielding's first bike ride! He wasn't a fan. :(
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