Sunday afternoon Fielding and I went to a baby shower while Josh and Wells hung out. It was good "girl" time with the family. Monday we had planned to pick apples with my mom and sister; however, it was raining....We decided to go to the apple houses anyway. Honestly, I wasn't sure it was a good idea considering our long weekend, the rain, and the fact that I was completely out of diapers for Wells. How I let this happen I don't know. Luckily, I found a pack of pull ups that fit. In the end, it was a great trip. It did rain the whole time until we got back into the car to head home, but whatever. We spent some quality time with Mia, Uncle Tate, Aunt Brekken, and Josiah. Plus - we got lots of apples for eating, pies, and apple sauce as well as sweet potatoes and apple cider. Yum!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Happy Tuesday! We are using today to recuperate from the weekend/Monday. It was fun but exhausting, especially for Fielding who didn't get many of his regular naps. He even got his first tooth over the weekend! We started off having dinner with our good friends Steven and Karen who came up with their son William. Saturday was spent cleaning, going to the park, and attempting to get on the river.....This turned into just a trip to the office to get the boat then back to the house - the boys fell asleep as soon as we got in the car. So we went straight home and put them in their beds for a nap. We did get to go to the river though. We headed out first thing Sunday. It was perfect! No one was on the river yet and the weather was cool. Here are some pictures of our morning trip!

Friday, October 22, 2010
This post is mostly pictures of the boys...they've just been so cute lately I can't help but take pictures of them. I'm sure you feel the same about your kids. We have had a great week though! We celebrated Julek's birthday {more about that below}, worked on the house, played outside in the dirt, and I've tried to do a little sewing. That endeavor has mostly been just pull out the fabric get some things cut but not much sewn...oh well. I do have some new pictures up of recent projects up on "My Project" if you want to check that out. But, like I said, here are the boys :D.
{ Fielding and I playing after nap time.}
{Wells posing on the bed. I take his picture then he says, "Look! Look!". Then goes back to posing.}
{Me and Wells.}
{The boys this morning in my nursing chair. I think they love each other already.}
Julek's Party ~ Thursday we celebrated Julek's 2nd birthday by going to the most beautiful park! It's right above the Morgan Fall's dam. The playground is great and there's a great view of the lake. When we got there, Wells was more interested in looking at the lake than playing. :) He's his daddy's boy. We stayed for a long while playing with the cousins, celebrating, having a great lunch brought by Joa, and just enjoying the fabulous weather. Here are some pictures from our time there.
Julek's Party ~ Thursday we celebrated Julek's 2nd birthday by going to the most beautiful park! It's right above the Morgan Fall's dam. The playground is great and there's a great view of the lake. When we got there, Wells was more interested in looking at the lake than playing. :) He's his daddy's boy. We stayed for a long while playing with the cousins, celebrating, having a great lunch brought by Joa, and just enjoying the fabulous weather. Here are some pictures from our time there.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Summer's Last Hurrah
It seems like ages since I last posted! The boys are growing like weeds right now. Fielding has started to pull up on things and is trying to go up and down the stairs, but he doesn't quite have the strength. He is also waking up two to three times a night lately. I'm not sure why... I know being sleep deprived is part of parenthood, but I don't like it and I've been feeling very edgy today. I'm trying not o let it get the best of me though. Both boys just went down for naps so hopefully I can reenergize while they sleep. Wells is learning several words every day and always surprises me with new concepts that he's learned. we went to Hilton head this past weekend and his favorite new word from the trip is "tractor-trailer." Big word for such a little guy. :) I think we're getting into the terrible two's with Wells. I'm not sure if all kids are like this, but he can be so sweet and obedient and then wam! tantrum and total defiance! It's embarrassing and confusing at the same time. Makes me feel like I'm not being diligent enough at home....Hope we make it thru this phase soon!
Our trip to Hilton Head over the weekend was wonderful! We got to celebrate my sister in law Joa's birthday on Saturday and let the kids play all weekend. Ben, Joa, Maja and Julek came down with us. We rode bikes to Harbour Town, played on the play ground, looked at the boats (Wells soo wanted to get on the boats!), played in the sand and the guys even went swimming! I tried to get in the water but it was just too cold for me. It was nice to get out in the sun one more time before we bundle up. It was good for the kids to play too since we haven't played with the cousins much lately. We got back late Sunday and have just been doing laundry and running errands since. Here are some pictures from our trip. Hope you enjoy!
Fielding's first bike ride! He wasn't a fan. :(
Monday, October 11, 2010
Big big fish
Sunday we finally took the kids to the GA Aquarium! I've wanted to take Wells for months. He just loves fish. After telling him where we were going, he kept saying, "Fish. Hook." No. We kept telling him. We're not going fishing, but we are going to a big building with lots and lots of fish to look at. Hum. He'd stop then say, "Eat?". Lol. Here are some pictures of our adventure to Atlanta.
We finished our day by eating lunch at Ted's with some fries and bison burgers. Yum! Then headed home for naps. It was a great day to be out and about.
A busy week
Hey All! It's Monday...the start of another week. This week looks to be slower than our last but you never know....We were way more social last week than we normally are. It was busy but great catching up with friends and family. Monday was Mia, Tuesday Aunt Brekken, Wednesday was Aunt Joa with Maja and Julek, Thursday we saw Grandma, Aunt Hannah, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Joa, and Aunt Karyn along with all the cousins! Grandma was getting ready to have a garage sale and invited us girls over for a "preview". Free garage sales are the best! I picked up a set of hooks, baskets, fabric for my projects, lamps, and a table cloth! It was great seeing everyone. Here are some pictures of the loot!
Thursday night we attempted to go to a concert at the local park with our friends Justin, Lindsey and Zander....But on the way we found out the "free" concert was really $30/person....So it was back to our house for a backyard picnic. It was really relaxing and possibly better than being at the concert considering we had three little ones. Friday, Wells was driving me crazy. For some reason I thought granting his wish to make a cake would make things better. Hmmm, I prayed for a lot of patience that afternoon. We all survived and had chocolate cake that night. I guess that helped. Here are some pictures of the process and end product. Not too bad.

Wow. Normally I'm doing great to see one or two people in a week. :) So, for this week we don't have many plans. We will be getting the house ready for our last trip to the beach and taking care of little projects around the house. It's still warm now so perhaps we'll try to enjoy the outdoors!
Wow. Normally I'm doing great to see one or two people in a week. :) So, for this week we don't have many plans. We will be getting the house ready for our last trip to the beach and taking care of little projects around the house. It's still warm now so perhaps we'll try to enjoy the outdoors!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
It feels like fall!
This weekend we got out and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Saturday the boys and I met up with my mom at a local antique fair. We walked around in the crisp air looking for bargains. I have a habit of not buying something when I see it. I find something I like, walk around, then go back if I've decided I really like it....That doesn't really work at antique fairs. Lol...but that's okay. I really didn't need to spend money anyway. I did get this cool jar full of buttons that will be good for projects this winter and a wall candle holder for the bathroom.
After the antiques we freshened up in the car {i.e. nursed Fielding and fed Wells the pbj I brought}. My mom stayed with me to help. Here is "Mia" playing with the boys.
From there we went to the city fair. I have to say, I probably shouldn't have tried the second fair. Josh was on the river fishing with his brother all morning and a crazy place with 2 hungry boys by myself was a bit of a challenge. We stayed there for maybe an hour...played on the air walk, ate a hot dog, got really dirty, wet and cranky then headed for home. I tried....
Sundays have been a day of rest for us as they should be. However, they have not been a day of worship which they also should be. Wells hates his class at church and the service is during Fielding's nap. Sooo, we haven't been going to church. I do feel like we are missing out and guilty, but it also very nice to stay at home with Josh on his one day off. I hope we start going again soon. I think we would all benefit from it. This past Sunday we worked on the house, napped, went for a walk, and read. It was very enjoyable. Who knows...maybe next week we'll make it to church!
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