It's been busy around here, but the kind of busy that I'm not sure what I've done at the end of the day and actually have little to show for my time other than the kids have been fed, changed, changed again and the house is semi in order....don't know if you could ever relate to that.... BUT, Spring is officially here in my book! March 11th marks the begining of spring for me. It's Fielding's birthday! Not only have we startes harvesting more from our garden...see cabbage below...

and we've been hanging out outside {just "redid" this deck chair with new paint and fabric - Fielding loves it!}....

But we had Fielding's 1st birthday! I'm so proud of my little man! He is getting bigger and cuter by the day. Big brother enjoyed the party very much also, and he was probably more excited about all the new toys than Fielding.

{my camera is on the frits! Sorry for the fuzz...}

{this was breakfast on his birthday}
Fielding started walking one day before his first birthday. He's doing great! Only a few bloody lips so far but nothing major. He's trying to keep up with Wells, and it's wearing him out! We are also on day two of weening! Daddy has been putting him to bed for me and he's doing great! Hurray!

{Another day at the farm.}
I just have to tell you a quick story about this day. Earlier in the day we had visited the new house {which we still haven't closed on :( } and I had talked to my mom about maybe driving up to see her at the farm. After hanging up, I asked Wells if he'd like to go to the farm that day. He, in his carseat, paused then said, "Yea. Go to the farm. Let's do it, Babe!" LOL He kept saying, "Let's do it, Babe." the whole way to the farm and I couldn't help but giggle each time! Ha! I love little kids!
So, I've been working on the slip covers for my green chairs some more. They are close! I made my own welting, and have all but the hem of one chair and the custion cover to make....I can see the end. I've actually enjoyed the project; it's just dragging on a bit....can you wonder why? :)


{ottoman that is finished! In hinsight, I wish I had done a different/more modern fabric, but I guess it will be a good accent piece.}
Other than that, we're still waiting to close on the house. I'm an aching to start working on it and getting in. Hopefully, we'll close some time in the next 10 days. We shall see. Our seedings are growing out of their pots and need to be put in the ground, but we have to wait on that too since I'm planning to make the garden at the new house....order. One thing at a time.
Hope you're well!